About Us
COVID-19, aka the “China Virus”, rocked the world, primarily the Millennial and Gen Z generations. Loss of loved ones, financial difficulty, home ejections, job loss, social life eradication, food and good shortages, market crash…we all suffered due to the China virus.
This got us thinking about what else China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may be doing without our knowledge. Unfortunately, we learned they are up to no good.
Standing together
We can no longer ignore what is happening in China. From forced abortions to animal abuse, we must become aware of the dangers of the Chinese government towards their people and communities because, as many of us know, they are coming for us as well.
The more “woke” we become to our enemy’s norms and plans the more we will be able to protect ourselves, our country and our future.
If we stand together, we can certainly make a difference for the Chinese people and for our own!